It takes roughly 5 hours from Los Angeles to get to Treebones Resort in Big Sur. This trip was planned about a month ago. There was a notification about an opening for a two day stay. It was a very fortunate series of events, because they are booked until next year. With Covid-19, a household with Leukemia & Asthmatics, the last 5 months had us cooped up in the house. This was a welcome break at a fairly secluded resort and in an uncrowded area. Big Sur was a place that was always on the list.
The drive was great. Not much traffic.
We left on Monday morning around 9am. We were lucky and didn’t hit any real traffic. We stopped for lunch in Cambria, You can read about that if you click on the link.
Lots of rocks, cliffs, and Ocean.
It had been a while since we had driven so far. A 5 hour drive isn’t that far, but it can be if you’re not used to it or haven’t done it in a while. Maybe we were just charmed from the outset?
The California cliffs are rocky but pretty awesome.
A lot of the coast looks awesome with the cliffs, but after a while one spot looks like the next. It’s a rocky coastline with crashing waves. Plus, we really wanted to get to the resort. Back in the day, we used to drive up and down the East Coast.-10 hour drives from Florida up to Maryland. This 5 hour drive wasn’t all that bad.
Cliffs, rocks, and crashing waves.
It’s a single lane sometimes on the way up. You can get caught behind some slow moving vehicles. Hopefully they’re cool enough and pull off on the turn-outs. Then you and the long caravan following behind you can pass.